Technical Operations Committee
2024 - 25 Members
Matt Zinkgraf, Biology
Jay McCarty, Chemistry
Wesley Deneke, Computer Science
Junaid Khan, Engineering & Design
Camilo Ponton, Geology
Kimihiro Noguchi, Math
Takele Seda, Physics & Astronomy and AMSEC
Vacant, SMATE
Todd Epps, CSE/IT
Operations Manager (Temp. Vacant), CSE
The committee advises the Dean on planning issues related to the technical facilities and resources of the College of Science and Engineering. Such matters include scientific instrumentation, equipment, computers, laboratories supported by University level student fees, and physical facilities.
- Reports on annual activities to PPBC before the end of spring quarter each year.
- Reviews and ranks annual Student Technology Fee proposals.
- Reviews minor capital improvement proposals.
- Plans and oversees regular upgrades of faculty and staff office computers.
- Develops process for allocating one-time resources to existing needs.
- Appoints two College representatives to the Academic Technology Committee (ATC).
- Maintains relationships with other campus entities including: Scientific and Technical Services, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Huxley College, the Shannon Point Marine Center, and Academic Technology User Services (ATUS).
- The faculty of each department and program (see below) in the College selects one member for the committee. The member shall be a tenure-track or tenured faculty member and shall not be the departmental chair or program director.
A center or group qualifies as a "program" for the purpose of membership when it meets the following criteria: (1) It includes faculty members from different departments with at least 75% of them housed in departments of the College and (2) it has its own criteria or processes for developing curriculum, for review of faculty performance, and/or for hiring tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty. The current programs in the College are the Science, Math, and Technology Education group (SMATE) and the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center (AMSEC). - The term of service is two years, with approximately half of the membership selected each year. No member shall serve more than six consecutive years.
- A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for all business of the committee. The committee determines its own procedures and officers, typically designating a chair and at the start of the academic year.