Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

2023 - 24 Members

Lina Dahlberg, Biology

John Antos, Chemistry   

Moushumi Sharmin, Computer Science           

Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, Engineering & Design     

Robyn Dahl, Geology

Jeffrey Meier, Mathematics

Asmaa Boujibar, Physics & Astronomy

Vacant, AMSEC

Robyn Dahl, SMATE 

At-large Positions

Fuqun Huang, Computer Science

Jianying Zhang, Mathematics

Student Positions

Zoe Absalonson, CSE Senator

John Hardgrove, CSE Senator

Jordan Perkins, Student

Quimara Brown, Student


The Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee (ADEI) Committee works to promote, and advocates for equity, inclusion, and diversity in the College of Science and Engineering. The committee reports to PPBC and advises the Dean.


  1. Identifies and examines policies and procedures within CSE that inhibit diversity, equity, and inclusion related to all members of the University community.    
  2. Coordinates and collaborates with relevant groups both within and outside of CSE on developing issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.  The goal is to communicate and engage with other equity stake holders on campus. 
  3. Supports, encourages, and informs department-level efforts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Support can be in the form of documentation or sharing of resources created by the ADEI committee.  
  4. Assessment and evaluation of the CSE strategic goals related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 


  1. The faculty of each department and program selects one faculty member, tenured or tenure track, for the committee. In addition, up to four at-large faculty/staff members will be recommended by the ADEI Chair for approval by PPBC. These at-large positions may be filled by staff or tenured, tenure-track, or NTT faculty.
  2. The ADEI committee will include four student representatives, typically the two CSE representatives to the Student Senate, and two at-large positions. Representatives shall be currently enrolled at WWU, and current, former, or intended majors or graduate students in a CSE program.

  3. The term of service for faculty/staff committee members is two years, with approximately half of the membership selected each year. The term of service for student members is one year. No member shall serve more than six consecutive years.
  4. In spring quarter, the ADEI committee will determine the number of open at-large positions for the following academic year, solicit applications for those positions and make recommendations to PPBC and the Associated Student Senate so that at-large members can be approved and appointed before the beginning of the next academic year. Applications for new committee members, and the final composition of the committee, shall be solicited and announced broadly, using college-wide communications. ADEI members shall not be departmental chairs or program directors.
  5. Diverse representation, broadly defined, will be prioritized in the selection of at-large members. Compensation for NTT and student appointments are subject to approval by the CSE Dean.
  6. A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for all business of the committee. The committee determines its own procedures and officers, typically designating a chair at the start of the academic year.