Curriculum and Assessment Committee
2023 - 24 Members
Marion Broghaggen (F), Biology
Anu Singh-Cundy (W, S), Biology
Betsy Raymond, Chemistry
Shameem Ahmed, Computer Science
Sura Al-Qudah, Engineering and Design
Brady Foreman, Geology
Rick Barnard, Mathematics
Armin Rahmani, Physics & Astronomy and AMSEC
Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, SMATE
Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Chair
The Curriculum and Assessment Committee is the curricular governing body of the College of Science and Engineering. The committee reports to PPBC and advises the Dean.
- Approves all academic courses, programs, and majors within the College\
- Makes recommendations to the Dean on curricular matters, including enhancing quality of programs, student outcomes, and efficiency.
- Reviews and coordinates assessment procedures of the College, departments, AMSEC and SMATE.
- Collects assessment data from the College units and includes a summary of the data in the annual activity report.
- Reports on annual activities to PPBC before the end of spring quarter each year.
- The faculty of each department and program (see below) in the College selects one member for the committee. The member shall be a tenure-track or tenured faculty member and shall not be the departmental chair or program director.
A center or group qualifies as a "program" for the purpose of membership when it meets the following criteria: (1) It includes faculty members from different departments with at least 75% of them housed in departments of the College and (2) it has its own criteria or processes for developing curriculum, for review of faculty performance, and/or for hiring tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty. The current programs in the College are the Science, Math, and Technology Education group (SMATE) and the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center (AMSEC). - The term of service is two years, with approximately half of the membership selected each year. No member shall serve more than six consecutive years.
- A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for all business of the committee. The committee determines its own procedures and officers, typically designating a chair and at the start of the academic year.
- As delegated by the Dean, the Associate Dean is an ex-officio non-voting member of the committee.