Policy, Planning, and Budget Council

PPBC meets on alternating Tuesdays from 8:30 - 10am.

2024 - 25 Members

Dietmar Schwarz, Biology (Chair)

Ying Bao (W,S), Chemistry

Jay McCarty (F), Chemistry

Brian Hutchinson, Computer Science

Nicole Larson, Engineering & Design

Doug Clark, Geology

Amy Anderson, Mathematics

Takele Seda, Physics & Astronomy

(Vacant), SMATE

Margaret Scheuermann, AMSEC

Student Positions

John Hardgrove, CSE Senator

Halle Bauer, CSE Senator


PPBC represents the members of the faculty of the College of Science and Engineering.  PPBC is responsible for policy and procedures regarding academic quality in the College and advises the Dean on budget and planning. 

This charge requires that the PPBC be consulted during the process of decisions and be kept informed about issues affecting academic quality. PPBC receives support as available from the Dean’s office for the administration of these duties.


  1. Reviews and maintains the document setting policies and procedures for the College (the COPEP) and ensures that it is consistent with the faculty CBA.
  2. Approves and upholds the departmental addenda to the COPEP with standards for Annual Review, Tenure and Promotion, and Post-Tenure Review.  
  3. CSE Policy, Planning, and Budget Council will review departmental operating procedures and policies for compliance with WWU’s CBA, Faculty Handbook and CSE’s COPEP. 
  4. Works with the Dean to develop and revise a strategic plan consistent with the University's strategic plan and College initiatives.
  5. Advises the Dean on budgetary matters, including allocation of faculty hires.
  6. Appoints College faculty representatives to University committees.
  7. Oversees activity of the other College governance committees: Curriculum, Personnel, and Technical Operations.
  8. Oversees activity of the other College governance committees: Curriculum*; Personnel; Technical Operations*; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion*
  9. Communicates issues important for academic quality to the faculty of the College and the University Faculty Senate.

*PPBC will respect the intended composition of each committee as defined below. In extenuating circumstances (e.g. substantial proportion of a unit’s faculty on leave), Committee Chairs, Department Chairs and/or Program Directors can make a request to PPBC to temporarily adjust the intended criteria for service on the committee. These requests to PPBC should indicate and justify the type of committee substitution (with data to support the need), the timeline for the substitution, and indicate the suitability and willingness of the individual(s) to serve and their contractually permitted status for service.


  1. The faculty of each department and program (see below) in the College selects one member for the council.  The member shall be a tenure-track or tenured faculty member and shall not be the departmental chair or program director.

    A center or group qualifies as a "program" for the purpose of membership when it meets the following criteria: (1) It includes faculty members from different departments with at least 75% of them housed in departments of the College and (2) it has its own criteria or processes for developing curriculum, for review of faculty performance, and/or for hiring tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty.  The current programs in the College are the Science, Math, and Technology Education group (SMATE) and the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center (AMSEC).
  2. The term of service is two years, with approximately half of the membership selected each year.  No member shall serve more than six consecutive years.
  3. The Dean and any members of the Dean's office designated by the Dean may be invited to council meetings, but are not voting members of the council.
  4.  A majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for all business of the council.  The council determines its own procedures and officers, typically designating a chair and a secretary at the start of the academic year.