Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (ADEI) works to promote, and advocates for accessibility, equity, inclusion, and diversity in the College of Science and Engineering. The committee reports to PPBC and advises the Dean.
Curriculum and Assessment Committee
The Curriculum and Assessment Committee is the curricular governing body of the College of Sciences and Engineering. The committee reports to PPBC and advises the Dean.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee considers applications forwarded to it by the Dean and makes recommendations to the Dean regarding the four following personnel matters in the College of Sciences and Engineering.
Policy, Planning, and Budget Council (PPBC)
PPBC represents the members of the faculty of the College of Sciences and Engineering. PPBC is responsible for policy and procedures regarding academic quality in the College and advises the Dean on budget and planning.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee reviews applications and selects recipients for scholarships and awards distributed by the College of Science and Engineering. The committee advises the Dean.
Technical Operations Committee
The committee advises the Dean on planning issues related to the technical facilities and resources of the College of Sciences and Engineering. Such matters include scientific instrumentation, equipment, computers, laboratories supported by University level student fees, and physical facilities.