Kohlmeier Mikulencak Summer Research Award

The purpose of this fund is to provide up to $7,000 in summer support for an undergraduate student doing research within the College of Science and Engineering.


1 @ approximately $7,000


  • For an undergraduate student majoring in a  CSE program.
  • Preference given to students who learn differently, are neurodivergent or have a documented learning disability as demonstrated through accommodations provided by Western Washington University’s Disability access Center or a documented IEP/504 plan from the applicant’s high school or other psychological evaluation/documentation of a learning challenge.
  • Research must be supervised by an appropriate faculty mentor who understands and appreciates that students who learn differently can bring alternative strengths and viewpoints (such as new ways of looking at things and perspectives that lead to a more inclusive environment) to the research and classroom environment.
  • The award winner will write an end-of summer summary (minimum 1 page) or provide a verbal summary with or without a video describing the research work done so that their accomplishments can be shared with the donors.
  • Recipients will be included in an undergraduate research summer cohort, in which group lunches and discussions will be provided.


Application Materials

  1. 1-2 page statement describing your proposed research, your background, and your future goals. Your application will be reviewed by a committee of faculty in the College of Science and Engineering. They are all scientists but may not know much about your particular field of study. Make sure your essay can be understood by someone without expertise in your field!
  2. Transcripts (unofficial is acceptable)
  3. Letter of recommendation

Apply online.

Deadlines and Procedures

Please see the scholarship resources page for application and award deadlines.

Questions about any of these scholarships? Contact us at (360) 650-6400 or by email at cse@wwu.edu